Head Stones

Membership in the G.A.R. (or one of the allied orders of the W.R.C or L.G.A.R.) provided friendship, activities, political support, and an understanding community that shared common experiences. Many folk valued this membership enough to include a reference on their headstone. This could be a simple "GAR" or an elaborate carved representation of a medal.
To see some of these, click here

GAR Medallions

Bronze Markers highlight membership in the G.A.R. These may just say "GAR" or "Veteran" or they may have a reference to the local camp. These are often designed to be flag holders.
To see some of these, click here

WRC Medallions

Bronze Markers highlight membership in one of the Allied Orders (Womans Relief Corps or Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic" These may just say "WRC" or "Veteran" or they may have a reference to the local camp. These are often designed to be flag holders.
To see some of these, click here

State Affiliations

The Civil War depended on units that were recruited, organized, and furnished by the various states. Such regiments were composed of families, neighbors, and friends from the local community. The ties to the regiment and the state extended long past the end of the war. Also, government issue headstones recorded the individual units.
Unit state affiliations do not represent specific memorials but for Kansas, it is interesting to see which states are represented in its cemeteries. To see these, click here